Email Campaigns



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Capella Education Segmented Email Journey Campaign

Sample Type: Lead generation email for higher education company
Goal: Trying to win back closed leads and continue the conversation with former students who have dropped out of their program, or left altogether
Email Series: Student went to a competitor education provider

Email Segment #1: Students that most recently left
Message: You chose a different school, but no hard feelings. Let’s keep in touch. By the way, have you seen our awesome and informative blog?
Tone: Humorous with a tinge of guilt



Reply-to: EC group address

[Subject-line options]

  • So you left us for another school 💔
  • You love us not??Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 12.42.05 PM
  • You left us in the cold, but we still wish you warmth 🥰
  • So you found something better 💔

[Snippet options]: <<dynamic link to area of interest>>

  • Can we still keep in touch?
  • We don’t want to lose you forever. Let’s continue the dialogue
  • We won’t take it personal. So can we still talk shop?
  • We still have your back. Here’s info you’ll appreciate

[Hero Headline]
Maybe second choice, but not second best

Body copy:

Hello <<first_name,>>

Even though you chose another university over Capella, we still wish you all the best in your future endeavors. In the spirit of good will, we’d like you to benefit from our brief time together.
Button: Content that Connects <<dynamic links to blog area of interest: see category links below>>


Business & Technology


Public Services/Human Services

Psychology & Counseling

Undergrad/Other: <<link to category Inside Capella>>

If things are not working out at your current university, let us know how we can better serve you. Contact an Enrollment Counselor <<link to EC email>> at

[Button: Contact Us] <<link to EC email>>

SECONDARY MODULE 3.2: FlexPath focus

FlexPath: A New Way to Educate

If you favor a learning format that empowers rather than stifles, look no further than FlexPath. Capella is the innovator of FlexPath, a disruptive model that favors the learner over the establishment.

Explore FlexPath

Email Segment #2: Goes to group of coharts that left the program 1 year ago and longer
Message: Are you still liking your new school? If you want to reconsider Capella, let us know. Btw, have you heard about FlexPath?

[Subject-line options]

  • Does your current university still fulfill you?
  • Loving your new school? Or love it not so much?Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 12.42.05 PM
  • Is it a match made in heaven? Or hardly a match?
  • Having a change of heart with your chosen school?

[Snippet options]: <<links to contact us page>>

  • Want to reconsider Capella? Let us know
  • Ready to reconcile? Let us know
  • Ready to reconsider? Let us know
  • If so, let’s talk

[Hero Headlines]
We’re committed to making it work

Body copy:

<<Hi first name,>>

Some people say you’re in it forever, but that’s not the way to live if you aren’t getting your needs met. If things aren’t working out with your current school, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate your interest in Capella again.

Button: Contact Us <<link to enrollment counselor email address>>

If things are not working out at your university, let us know how we can better serve you. Contact an Enrollment Counselor <<link to EC email>> at

SECONDARY MODULE 3.2: FlexPath focus


FlexPath: A New Way to Educate

If you favor a learning format that empowers rather than stifles, look no further than FlexPath. Capella is the innovator of FlexPath, a disruptive model that favors the learner over the establishment.

Explore FlexPath